Engage Your Network Easily track your

We give you real-time visibility into local engagement and how well your brand’s locations are leveraging digital marketing campaigns.

“Everything excites me about Scorpion. I am a huge advocate for Scorpion. It’s honestly a no-brainer.”
Nikki Pine Service Master Restore

Our only goal: help you reach yours

  • Get full transparency into every location in your network

    Our dashboard gives both home office and franchisees deep visibility into all types of local marketing results. View your network as a whole or dive into an individual location’s digital campaigns, our dashboard combines flexibility and depth of information in a holistic way.

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  • See both the forest AND the trees

    Never again wish for better data. You get clarity into how each franchise location is performing as well as top-down, roll-up, and any which way you want to slice and dice your brand’s digital marketing data.

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  • Be able to implement in-depth strategies

    No more once-a-month spreadsheet dumps from disconnected vendors who can never see the full picture. Real-time comprehensive reporting allows you to strategize, plan, and make adjustments as frequently as needed.

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Know exactly how your marketing runs

We partner with you to create a digital marketing strategy that works for your business, not anyone else’s. Your customers find and choose you, again and again. And you get more of what you want out of your business. Every day.