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Here’s a Better Way to Find Qualified Plumbers & HVAC Techs for Your Business

Image of someone checking plumbing gauge

Plumber standing at door holding his tool box

When you want to hire more plumbers or HVAC techs, you probably do what most businesses do…

You post the job online using websites like Craigslist, Monster, and Indeed.

But when you post a job to websites like these, you limit yourself (and your business) because you’re hoping it gets seen by the right candidate who has the right skills and right experience for the job.

Not only does that drag out the recruitment process, it also leads to hit-or-miss results.

And that’s a waste of time—time you don’t have to spare.

Qualified plumbers and techs are in short supply, and you’re not the only business trying to track them down.

That’s why it’s important to employ a recruitment strategy that spans multiple digital channels (Google, Bing, Facebook, and YouTube) to reach the right job seekers (not just any job seekers).

Plumber fixing a sink

With a smarter digital recruitment strategy, you can:

  • Bring more attention to your open positions.
  • Attract the most ideal candidates.
  • Demonstrate why plumbers and techs should apply for your jobs. (Plumbers and HVAC techs want to work for a company that will keep them busy with work and treats them right.)

Here are three different strategies you can use for your future recruitment efforts...

1. Promote your jobs in active searches

Search engines like Google and Bing are the fastest and easiest way to find anything these days—including job opportunities. Many job hunters start their searches here rather than going directly to a job posting site, which is why pay-per-click (PPC) ads are the perfect way to grab a qualified tech’s attention during the job-hunting process.

Typing on a laptop

How pay-per-click works

  1. You bid on keywords related to your job posting (like “plumbing jobs in Dallas”) so your “help wanted” ads appear in related search queries.
  2. The searcher (prospective employee) clicks on your ad and is taken to your website to learn more about the job.
  3. They begin the application process straight through your website.

PPC advertising not only gives your job listings greater visibility, but it also gives your business a competitive advantage in recruitment.

2. Raise awareness on popular digital platforms

You can also set up recruitment campaigns that capture people’s attention when they’re not actively searching for jobs (e.g., they’re browsing their favorite news sites, scrolling through their social media feeds, watching videos online, etc.).

Holding a phone

Here are are a few ways to do that:

  • Promote your job openings through both regular posts and paid ads on Facebook and other social media sites.
  • Create banner ads that appear on popular websites, like news sites, trade-focused sites, and high-traffic blogs (through the Google Display Network).
  • Creating video ads for YouTube.

The greatest strength behind these strategies (particularly the paid efforts) is audience targeting.

Rather than blindly pushing your message to the masses, you’re able to serve ads to specific groups:

  • People in the cities where you want to recruit.
  • People within a certain age and gender demographics.
  • People who have visited your careers page in the past.
  • People who have demonstrated certain interests, like home improvement.

You can also use social media to share photos, videos, and general updates that give potential applicants an idea of what it’s like to work at your company (e.g., company-sponsored events, employee highlights, and stories, a message from the owner, etc.).

The more appealing you make your business, the more likely you’ll be to attract seasoned professionals.

3. Driving engagement with people already considering the job

If someone has visited your job listings page (especially if they’ve visited multiple times), this means they already have your business on their radar, and they may be on the fence about applying.

Give them a little help.

Man looking at a laptop

Set up retargeting campaigns on Facebook and the Google Display Network that show ads to your past Careers page visitors.

This means they’ll see your recruitment ads while browsing their social media feeds and favorites websites—which keeps your company on their minds, piques their curiosity and makes it easy for them to apply with the simple click of a button.

With the right strategy, you can attract better recruits, and it doesn’t have to take months.

Ready to get more qualified plumbers and techs and fill your positions faster? If so, contact us about digital campaigns strategies that make the most sense for your business.