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Essential Services to Remain Open during COVID-19 Response

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As our nation works together to navigate these trying times, many businesses are faced with uncertainty. In an attempt to limit the spread of COVID-19, all non-essential critical infrastructure services are encouraged to shut down. Read on to learn more about what services are considered essential—and therefore, should remain open—during this time of isolation.

Maintaining Critical Infrastructure Is Crucial

It is crucial to ensure that critical infrastructure continues to work successfully even while much of the country is under quarantine. Maintaining critical infrastructure allows a community to access necessary goods and services, which contributes to its ability to endure and recover quickly from difficult times.

What Are Considered Essential Services?

There is a list of workers and services that the Federal Government considers to be essential to the continued viability of critical infrastructure. While State, local, tribal, and territorial governments are in charge of implementation, the Federal Government is there to provide guidance on defining essential infrastructure workers and services. These essential workers and services are considered necessary for the continued operation of critical infrastructure.

The following is a list of sectors that provide essential services according to the Federal Government:

  • Communications
  • Public works
  • Chemical
  • Commercial Facilities
  • Critical Manufacturing
  • Dams
  • Defense Industrial Base
  • Emergency Services
  • Energy
  • Financial
  • Government Facilities
  • Food & Agriculture
  • Nuclear Reactors, Materials & Waste
  • Water
  • Information Technology
  • Waste
  • Transportation Systems
  • Healthcare & Public Health

Americans depend on these services daily. It is imperative that these industries are able to continue operations during the COVID-19 response. Businesses are encouraged to promote worker safety in times of community restrictions to maintain community resilience and viability.

What Does This Mean for Home Services?

Public works are listed as essential services. This includes services such as plumbing, electrical, extermination, and other services that are necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences. Many Americans are currently isolating at home and relying on their homes to continue operating properly. As workers who ensure integral home systems—such as ACs, heaters, electrical systems, and plumbing systems—are in safe working order, plumbers, electricians, and exterminators are considered essential during times of community restrictions.

Advice from Scorpion

In order to continue to operate your business and serve your community, it is incredibly important that you keep your workspace, employees, and clients safe. The CDC has released guidelines on keeping the workspace safe, which includes practicing good hygiene, being careful with meetings and travel, handling food carefully, and expressing that workers need to stay home if they are feeling sick or they have a sick family member in their home.

Here at Scorpion, we are working tirelessly to help you navigate these trying times. If you have any questions or concerns about how the restrictions enacted in response to COVID-19 affect your business, do not hesitate to reach out to your home services digital marketing team or contact us here. Together, we can slow the spread of Coronavirus and contribute to the resilience of our communities.

If you would like to learn more about essential critical workforce workers and services during COVID-19 response, click here. If you are unsure whether or not your business is considered essential, contact your local city government officials.