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3 Ways to Use Data in Your Home Services Business and Book More Jobs

An image of a data dashboard.

Operating a successful home services business requires more than just scheduling service appointments and completing the work…

It requires a willingness to stop, reflect, and identify potential areas for improvement or growth.

And there’s no better way to do that than with DATA.

When used properly, data can tell a story about every aspect of a business; from the types of customers who are most likely to use the business’ services to the types of discounts that generate the most revenue.

But when it comes to data, many home services business owners are either:

  • Not tracking it.
  • Not analyzing it.
  • Not understanding it.
  • Not using it to guide their business decisions.

If you would like to start using data to improve your business (and make more money in the process), here are three strategies to get you started…

Data Strategy #1: Compare one-time customers to repeat customers

Woman signing something on a clipboard

If you’re looking to boost the loyalty of future customers, examine your current customers in detail.

Specifically, look at one-time customers versus repeat customers.

  • What type of services did your repeat customers request?
  • What time of day did most one-off customers call your company?
  • Where do most of your repeat customers live?

If you see a pattern, use that insight to reshape the way you market your home services business to new customers.

Data Strategy #2: Use advertising tools that help you tap into customer data

Man working on a laptop

Traditional marketing efforts (print ads, TV commercials, print ads, flyers, etc.) will only take you so far.


Because these types of marketing channels cater to the masses.

But the reality is you don’t want to appeal to the masses—you want to appeal to local homeowners and businesses.

That’s why it’s smarter to choose digital advertising tools and platforms that leverage large volumes of consumer-generated data to help you reach the exact types of audiences you want as new customers.

Tools like...

  • Search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)
  • Social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Online review sites (Yelp, HomeAdvisor, Thumbtack, etc.)
  • Video streaming sites (YouTube)

Through digital marketing channels like these, you can create ads and other promotional content that is targeted to specific audiences based on factors like location, past search history, past website visits, job titles, and so on.

Data Strategy #3: When measuring marketing, let the money speak for itself

Whenever you launch a new marketing campaign, NEVER let your gut or “what people say” dictate whether the campaign was a success or a failure.

Feelings and flattery can be deceiving (“We’ve been getting a lot of compliments on our new website, so it MUST be working!”).

The only way to measure success is through data—calls, appointments, sales, and revenue.

Metrics like the cost per lead and cost per new customer.

Look at all the numbers behind your campaign to obtain a clear understanding of how people are engaging with your marketing, paying special attention to the metrics that impact your bottom line the most.

Here are a few common digital marketing metrics to consider as part of your data reporting and analytics:


  • Visitors
  • Time on the page
  • Number of pages viewed
  • Bounce rate (when someone only visits one page and then leaves)
  • Click-through rate
  • Conversion rate

Digital ads:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Click-through rate
  • Cost per click
  • Cost per lead
  • Cost per acquisition (or cost per new customer)
  • New leads
  • Conversion rate

Social media marketing:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • New leads
  • Conversion rate

Lead conversion:

  • Calls
  • Web forms
  • Live chat sessions
  • Estimate requests
  • Booked appointments
  • Sales
  • Revenue
  • Average ticket value
  • Customer lifetime value

And make sure to establish your measurements of success (your key performance indicators, or KPIs) at the start of your campaigns so you can make sure you’re staying on track with your business goals.

Want to learn more about how Scorpion can help you improve your marketing and grow your home services business?
Call us at (866) 616-0824 or contact us here.