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Home Services Pros: Want More Seasonal Business This Winter? Try Using Local Services Ads

A snowy background with an iPhone searching for HVAC in Boston on Google

Consider this scenario…

A couple is hosting 30 people at their home for a holiday party, and they’re busy getting everything in order—they have a couple of turkeys in the oven, they’re prepping the side dishes, their kids are busy tidying up the house.

And then, something happens at the worst possible time—the drain starts backing up.

With no time to waste, the husband jumps on Google and searches “emergency drain cleaning.

At the very top of the page, he sees three local plumbing companies with 5-star ratings and the words “Google Guaranteed”, which gives him a great starting point for finding a plumber who can get to his house ASAP.

He clicks on one of the business names, gets some more information about the company, and calls to set up a service appointment.

A Google search for "emergency drain cleaning" shows three Local Services Ads for plumbers above a pay-per-click ad.

What this customer is seeing at the very top of the page are three Google Local Services Ads (LSAs).

And what we have here is a perfect example of a plumbing company that used LSAs to capture more business at a critical time...when there was a higher level of demand for their services.

In this post, we’ll discuss how home services businesses can use LSAs to attract more calls and jobs during their busiest seasons (which includes the winter for many types of home services companies).

Season-driven business spells out opportunity for your company

A man preparing a holiday dinner

The holidays are just one example of what might drive higher demands for home services during the winter season.

After all, with so many holiday parties going on, more people are dealing with clogged drains, clogged toilets, and broken garbage disposals. There are also more homeowners in need of carpet cleaning services, house cleaning services, and companies that can decorate the exteriors of their homes.

And then there’s the rise in demand for weather-driven services, like repair of frozen pipes, repair of broken heaters and furnaces, and emergency repair of leaky roofs.

There’s no question about the fact that there’s plenty of business for the taking during certain times of the year—but even with the increase in customer demand, the reality is that home services professionals still have to compete for those season-driven jobs.

And this is where effective digital advertising comes into play.

Using the Internet to reach the right customers at the right time

A woman sitting on the couch looking on her phone

When home services businesses invest in advertising strategies like Local Services Ads that put their companies front-and-center in Google search results, they’re essentially ensuring that their business is in the right place at the right time.

Why is this important? Because it makes it more likely that their business will be found and chosen by customers who have an immediate need for their services (like the homeowner who needed his drain unclogged before 30 people showed up at his doorstep).

So, as you start entering into your busy season (whether it be winter, spring, summer, or fall), it’s important to stop and think about your home services digital marketing strategy. It’s time to ask yourself…

  • Are people finding my business first when they’re looking for the types of services I offer?
  • Am I visible to the right types of potential customers—such as the ones in my local community?
  • Do my ads make people immediately trust and want to call my business?

When you can answer “yes” to all of these questions, you’re on the right track to attract more calls and better-quality jobs during your busy season when demand is at its highest.

Why Local Services Ads are a great marketing strategy for your peak season

When it comes to marketing your business during your busy season, you want to “strike while the iron’s hot,” so to say.

If you work in a seasonal industry, there are only certain months of the year when you can count on people needing your services—so you’ll want to capitalize on that increased demand as much as possible while the opportunity presents itself.

One way to do that is with Google’s Local Services Ads, and here’s why:

1. LSAs make you more visible to people searching for your services on Google because these ads are the first thing people see on the results page.

Searching for "plumbers holidays garbage disposal" on Google and an arrow point to the LSAs

2. LSAs appear to customers based on proximity (how close your business is located to the customer), so you’re able to get calls from locals instead of people outside your service area. (Remember, you’re not just going after more calls, but the best calls.)

A screenshot of LSAs for repair garbage disposal and the business' proximity from you

3. LSAs display your business’ star rating and a “Google Guaranteed” badge, which shows potential customers that your company has been vetted and approved by Google. These ad features help boost your business’ credibility when competition is already at an all-time high during peak season.

A screenshot of LSAs for repair garbage disposal and the business reviews are highlighted

So, if your home services company hasn’t started investing in LSAs yet, it’s time to get started!

Ready to learn more about Local Services Ads and how your company can use them to generate more business during your busy season? Click here to learn more.