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Let the Data Make the Decisions: Tommy Mello on KPIs

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When it comes down to brass tacks, the success of every business depends on basic math: How much money are you bringing in, and how much are you spending? Of course, maximizing your profits isn’t quite that simple, but in the video below, industry influencer Tommy Mello explains how key performance indicators (KPIs) can help you make data-based decisions and reach your goals.

Drawing on his own experience building a ten-million-dollar garage door installation and repair company, Tommy explains in detail which metrics business owners should stay on top of, as well as what you should look for when finding a marketing partner to support your growth efforts. His advice is smart, simple, and applicable to any home services business — click below to listen!

For more marketing and operational guidance that can help your home services business hit goals and find success, contact our team today.