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The #1 Thing to Remember About Reaching New Customers in 2019

Woman on Mobile Phone

In the State of Internet Marketing blog series, we share tips, tricks, and trends every home services business owner should know in 2019—the type of information that will lead to more customers and more jobs down the road...

  • Part 1: How the mindset and expectations of today’s customers have changed.
  • Part 2: The three dangers of the Internet no one is talking about.
  • Part 3: The key to getting customers’ attention in the “Age of Constant Connectivity.”
  • Part 4: How to use voice search to get found by customers and grow your business.
  • Part 5: Why big data is important for generating more jobs and revenue.
  • Part 6: The steps to building a future-proof digital marketing plan.
  • Part 7: Where to focus your marketing energy in 2019.

While ALL of these insights and strategies are crucial for getting more calls, jobs, and revenue, there is one main takeaway we want you to leave with today.

One strategy that you 100% can’t do without in today’s digital landscape.

And that’s mobile marketing, which we primarily discuss in Part 3.

Why?—Because your customers are spending the majority of their online time on their smartphone. As a result, your customers are expecting a smooth experience when they interact with your digital content on a mobile device.

Woman looking at her phone

Home services businesses that don’t deliver on that expectation get overlooked, which is why your company needs to...

Create a mobile-conscious and mobile-ready marketing plan.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Build a mobile-friendly website that delivers the best experience across all devices (fast pages, easy navigation on a smaller screen, etc.)
  • Use digital ads and landing pages that are built for mobile, with features like click-to-call buttons.
  • Optimize your website and online presence for the latest mobile trends (specifically voice search).
  • Create marketing that appeals to the changing demands of the modern-day customer. (These customers want speed, convenience, relevant messaging, and interesting content.)

Plumber working on a sink while customer (woman) watches

For more information about how to grow your business with digital marketing read the blog posts listed above. Just call (866) 616-0824 or message us here directly.