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Having Trouble Getting New HVAC Customers? It Could Be Your Website

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Having a website for your HVAC business isn’t enough. You need to actually have a good website if you want it to bring in more business. If you don’t, your site could have the opposite effect—driving potential customers away. If you are finding that you aren’t getting as many new jobs and customers as you would like, it could be that your HVAC website is working against you instead of for you.

Here Are Some of the Website Mistakes You Could Be Making…

Your website looks unprofessional or outdated.

Think of your website as your digital storefront. If it looks run-down, cluttered, or just downright unprofessional, what does that say about your business? Nothing good. Just like a storefront, your website should make a strong impression on everyone who walks through the door (or clicks your URL).

If your website isn’t modern, professional-looking, and visually engaging, your business may look like the inferior choice next to your competitors. And that can cost you customers! A few common website design pitfalls include: having too many things on the page, too many colors and font styles, outdated graphics, and poor-quality or low-resolution images.

SOLUTION: Get your website redesigned by professionals who understand your industry. Your new website should have a clean, professional look using the latest design standards, and it should be created with your target customer in mind.

It’s too easy for users to get lost on your website.

We have all had that experience: You’re looking for a specific page on a website and you can’t find it… or you do find it, but you can’t get back to the Home page. Don’t let that be your website! If your site is difficult to navigate, this could be why so many of your site visitors are never making it to the customer stage.

SOLUTION: Every page should be clearly marked and have easy access to a navigation menu that takes the user from one page to the next. The menu should include your main pages (Home, About Us, Services, Request an Estimate, etc.). In addition to that, your service-related pages should be grouped in the categories that make the most sense for your business. For example, your ideal categories might be “Cooling,” “Heating,” and “Indoor Air Quality.”

Your website isn’t mobile-friendly.

Did you know that more than half of all Google searches are now performed on smartphones? Unfortunately, many businesses still do not have mobile-friendly websites. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you may have mobile visitors who are getting frustrated with how long it takes your site to load on their phones or how difficult it is to navigate the site on a smaller screen. Remember, a poor user experience equals people leaving your website, and that means they are looking at other HVAC business websites and not yours.

SOLUTION: Use responsive website design. This allows your site to automatically adjust to the screen size of the device being used—whether it’s a desktop, tablet, or smartphone—therefore creating the best user experience.

Your website content is boring or difficult to read.

There are many ways that your website content could be failing. For example, it might be boring, too lengthy, too difficult to follow (due to poor writing or excessive industry jargon), visually overwhelming (one large block of text instead of easy-to-read sections), and so on.

SOLUTION: Keep your content interesting and informative, yet also clear and to the point. (Website visitors don’t want to have to hunt for the information they’re looking for.) Think about the most pressing questions your site visitors will have and make sure you answer them on the pages that are most relevant! Including high-quality content can do two things for your business: keep your site visitors engaged and improve your ranking in search engines.

You don’t tell your website visitors what’s special about your business.

If you aren’t showing online users why your business is better than the rest, you’re blending in with the crowd. Online users are skimming through your site and looking for why your HVAC business is the best choice. If they aren’t impressed by what they see, they will cross you off their list and move on to the next business. There are tons of HVAC providers to choose from, so differentiating your business is crucial.

SOLUTION: Make sure your business’ best selling points are prominently featured throughout your website—especially on your Home and About Us pages. These can be points such as the following: extensive years of experience, special certifications, prestigious awards, flexible hours, free estimates, special promotions, and so on. You may even want to add a “Why Hire Us” page to highlight what makes your HVAC business a better choice than your competitors. Client testimonials are also effective for establishing trust and showing what great service you provide.

Interested in redesigning your website and getting more business? Contact Scorpion and speak to our HVAC marketing specialists!