Scorpion Scorpion
AI Insights Let AI do the heavy lifting

Get access to artificial intelligence that helps you understand your business, surface opportunities, see trends, and make data-driven decisions.

better customer insights

Results that speak for themselves

  • 100+million leads
  • 70+million phone calls
  • 1+billion visitors

Grow your business faster with AI

  • Fast, reliable information

    Our platform tracks all the data you need to start getting quality insights on your advertising, search engine ranking, and other marketing activities.

  • Insights from artificial intelligence

    We leverage AI to gain valuable insights into your customers and marketing activities. We then work with you to make informed decisions to drive your business growth.

  • Grow your business

    Insights will come to your dashboard automatically and our team will take you through the ones you need to make decisions on to run your best business.

Better insights

Insights led by artificial intelligence

Your company's future is only as good as the data you run it with. Your success depends on having the right data and insights to make informed decisions. 

Our platform offers powerful dashboards and reports that let you check lead flow, track marketing performance, and monitor your online reputation—all in one place. 

Our AI technology then delivers insights and recommendations to help you optimize your ad spend, fine-tune your target audience, and improve your overall marketing.

But we don't stop there. At Scorpion, we also have experts to guide you about what you need to know, helping you know what marketing data you should be looking at.

Our team of professionals is always ready to help you interpret the data, understand what it means for your business, and make informed decisions that drive growth. 

With Scorpion, you have a trusted partner that can help you make the most of your marketing efforts and achieve your business goals.

"When I hear Scorpion I think about one click and its done. I really can't equate it to another company I've done business with. They get it."

Tim Flynn

Winters Home Services
Additional Solutions

Marketing solutions for your business

Let's get every side of your business working together.

“Scorpion means an extension of my family. Without them, I wouldn’t be opening my fifth location. I wouldn’t be where I’m at with the ability to take more time off and not worry about whether we have enough calls coming in, or enough leads."
Joy Owenby Owner & Managing Member, Owenby Law, P.A.

The right insights to improve your business

We partner with you to create a digital marketing strategy that works for your business, not anyone else’s. Your customers find and choose you, again and again. And you get more of what you want out of your business. Every day.


Any more questions?

  • How does Scorpion use artificial intelligence?
    Our data tracking platform gathers all the data you need to help make the right decisions for your business. We then use artificial intelligence to show you what to do with the information. It doesn't stop there. Our team of experts is there to answer any questions and provide further guidance and direction on what to do with the insights that come from your marketing data.
  • What is artificial intelligence?

    Technology has evolved to the point where it can learn from the information you put into it. Enter artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence, better known as AI, is the ability of machines to gather information quickly, learn from it, and make decisions based on the information (data and analytics) it's collected. 

  • Why do I need artificial intelligence?

    Artificial intelligence is one of the most innovative ways to run your best business. Artificial intelligence (AI) provides your business with the benefit of computer automation and the efficiencies of cognitive technology. In layman's terms? AI provides you with up-to-date information about your marketing in real-time. AI improves the speed of data collection and analysis, operation processes, and productivity.