Scorpion Scorpion
Digital Advertising Advertising that drives revenue

Scorpion runs advertising that works. In the right places, at the right times, to attract the right customers. You choose your budget, and we’ll make sure you get the most for your money.


Results that speak for themselves

More places to advertise means more leads.

  • 100+million leads
  • 70+million phone calls
  • 1+billion visitors

Smarter advertising. Better results.

  • Take control

    We run your digital advertising effectively and efficiently. We also give you full control. Easily turn it up when you want more work or turn it off when you're too busy.

  • Advertise smarter

    We diversify your advertising and use the power of AI to make better decisions about what's working and what isn't. Don't just advertise on the most expensive network. Advertise where you get the best return on your investment.

  • See the results

    All the ads, all the creative, and all the management is handled for you. You tell us the types of jobs you want and the budget you want to spend, and we'll do the rest.

Better Advertising

Advertising that gives your business an advantage.

Running advertising has never been more exciting. Search engines are always changing, new channels are driving better leads, and targeting features are improving all the time. To ensure your advertising is effective, you need to be more than just a step ahead.

With Scorpion, you get to tap into decades of experience and powerful technology that takes full advantage of all of this. Important budgeting decisions are powered by artificial intelligence, your campaigns are run by industry-leading experts, and you have access to transparent reporting. Our advertising solution is everything you need to keep your phones ringing with the exact kind of leads you want most.

The process is simple: you tell us how much you’re willing to spend and the types of jobs you want. Then we do the rest. With hundreds of millions of dollars managed for advertising, Scorpion is the leading provider of digital advertising.

You can be as hands-on or hands-off as you want. By logging into Scorpion, you get straightforward controls that let you manage your budget, control when your advertising runs, and even turbocharge your campaigns when you need to fill the schedule.

All of your different types of advertising run in one place, so you can see what's working, what's driving leads, what's being improved, and more.  

However you like to operate, and whatever your goals are, Scorpion’s advertising can adapt for you. You can be confident we're deploying the right mix of channels, creative assets, and strategy to spend your money as effectively as possible. 

"Since adding Scorpion, our revenue has more than tripled, we've expanded into new cities, and are servicing more customers. The technology Scorpion uses is above anything I have ever seen."

Joy Owenby

Owenby Law
Solution Details

The best digital advertising for your business.

Advertise for the specific services you provide and generate more leads from more places than ever before.

"Scorpion has been an incredible partner when it comes to presenting our brand to the public. I truly feel like they have a vested interest in our business, and care that we’re satisfied–and growing."
Kelsey Stuart CEO, Bloomin' Blinds

Stop wasting money. Start driving leads.

Experience what running advertising with the best people and best-in-class technology can do for you.


Have questions? We can help.

  • How can I control my advertising with Scorpion?

    At Scorpion, we don't take a 'set it and forget it' attitude toward your advertising efforts. You can quickly log in to your account using your computer or via our mobile app and manage everything for advertising—including adjusting ad spending, pausing campaigns if your phone is ringing too much, or adjusting where your ads are showing up.  

  • Which channels will Scorpion use for my advertising?

    The channels used for your advertising are completely up to you and what your business needs. We tailor our advertising strategies to what we see works best in your market, for your industry, and with your budget. No two businesses are the same, so no two strategies are the same either. In addition, your strategy will always be adjusting to what’s working best now—not what worked yesterday.

  • How will I know if my advertising is working?

    If your digital advertising works, you have phones that are ringing, a full schedule, and employees who are busy. But part of that success means you get complete transparent reporting at all levels of your advertising, including high-level reports on overall leads. If you're ready to dive into the specifics of your campaigns, we make it easy to log in and get access to all the answers you want on your advertising.