Scorpion Scorpion
Leads Management Turn more leads into customers

We keep track of every call, contact form, chat, text, and message in one central place so you can manage your leads and turn them into customers quicker.

take control of your leads

Results that speak for themselves

  • 100+million leads
  • 70+million phone calls
  • 1+billion visitors

Improve your lead flow

  • Get more of the right leads

    Whether you’re not getting enough of the right leads or are spending too much on the ones you have, our team of experts help you change that.

  • Know what every dollar is doing

    We help you cut through the noise of spam and bots to identify actual qualified leads. We make sure you know exactly what you’re getting for your money.

  • Do more than just manage

    We help you view, organize, and connect with your leads in easy, meaningful ways so that more of them become customers and fans of your brand.

Turn leads into customers

Better leads. Better customers.

Leads are the life blood of any business. Customers are even better. 

Building strong customer relationships and earning return business requires a long-term investment. That means you must understand what your potential customers are looking for, so you can deliver the right information in the moments that matter.

More effective than your own sales team, happy customers not only increase your brand awareness but provide you with advocacy that you cannot get anywhere else. When you personalize your approach, you pave the way to customer satisfaction.

Scorpion helps you personalize your outreach with every new lead so you can stop digging for details and quickly start having the right conversations.

You put a lot of work into the marketing efforts that bring in new leads, but it’s easy to let them slip through the cracks. With our lead management technology, we help you eliminate all the busy work and administrative tasks that take time away from you actually connecting and following up with new leads. We also help you weed through spam and bots so you focus only on the leads that will help your business grow.

"Since adding Scorpion, our revenue has more than tripled, we've expanded into new cities, and are servicing more customers. The technology Scorpion uses is above anything I have ever seen."

Joy Owenby

Owenby Law
Solution Details

More than lead management

“Scorpion means an extension of my family. Without them, I wouldn’t be opening my fifth location. I wouldn’t be where I’m at with the ability to take more time off and not worry about whether we have enough calls coming in, or enough leads."
Joy Owenby Owner & Managing Member, Owenby Law, P.A.

The best lead management in the business

We partner with you to create a strategy that works for your business, not anyone else’s. Your customers then find you and choose you, again and again—and you get more of what you want out of your business. Every day.


Any more questions?

  • What is lead management?
    Lead management is a process each business performs to gain, grow, and nurture its potential clientele. Lead management can be conducted through methodology, software, and strategies. High-quality leads are identified, analyzed, and nurtured while low-quality leads are filtered and discarded. Part of good lead management is understanding where they come from and more importantly following up on them to turn them into customers.
  • Why do I need lead management?

    Not every lead is going to be a good one. Lead management is your business's way of filtering out who's worth your time and who's not. Without it, you could be wasting resources chasing after people who don't qualify for your business. But by gathering high-quality leads, you're setting yourself up for success. Our lead management program helps cut down on all that noise and gets to the heart of what's worth a follow-up. We provide anti-spam and bot filtration, as well as identify where your good leads are coming from.