Scorpion Scorpion
Reporting Get better with more powerful data

Do less guessing and do more growing. With our reports, you can gain a deeper understanding of your business and make informed, data-driven decisions.

better reporting

Results that speak for themselves

  • 100+million leads
  • 70+million phone calls
  • 1billion visitors

Results you can see

  • See everything all at once

    We offer a clean and visually appealing dashboard that puts reporting directly in your hands, enabling you to view all your data in one place.

  • Take action with reporting technology

    We show you easy-to-read visual numbers about your website, cash flow, and customers to help you make decisions faster.

  • All of your analytics, all in one spot

    Make sense of your data to help you grow your business. Our clear reporting shows you where your money is going and where there's room for growth.

Dashboards for days

Real-time reporting for your business

Growing a business starts with making your money work for you. With reporting technology from Scorpion, you can instantly see which marketing strategies are working, where customers are coming from, and how you can get more of your best customers.

Having all the facts in front of you is what promotes smart decision-making, quick strategy implementation, and a full picture of how your business is doing at all times.

Scorpion brings reporting straight into your hands with our clean and visual dashboard. Our team works with you to show the numbers that will help grow your business.

As a business owner, it’s crucial to know how your business is growing, where the money is being funneled, and what you need to budget for.

We make taking action on good and bad numbers easy. We show you easy-to-read visual numbers about your website, cash flow, and customers to help you make smarter decisions, fast.

Our team is always there to support you as well. Get started with Scorpion.

"With the data we now get, we can see the difference between referrals and digital marketing. We have a complete view of our business, which helps us make better-informed decisions. We’re not guessing, and we’re not trying anything that we’re unsure about. It’s been two years since we partnered with Scorpion, and we haven’t looked back since."

Tim Flynn

Winters Home Services
Additional Solutions

Marketing solutions for your business

Let's get every side of your business working together.

"Scorpion has been an incredible partner when it comes to presenting our brand to the public. I truly feel like they have a vested interest in our business, and care that we’re satisfied–and growing."
Kelsey Stuart CEO, Bloomin' Blinds

Better reporting starts here

We partner with you to create a digital marketing strategy that works for your business, not anyone else’s. Your customers find and choose you, again and again. And you get more of what you want out of your business. Every day.


Any more questions?

  • What is reporting technology?

    Reporting technology gives your business with a detailed outline of where your marketing budget is going, what's working, and where to go from here. This type of reporting is best digested on a visual dashboard where data is explained, strategies can be easily implemented, and decisions can be made quicker. In other words, reporting technology takes the guesswork out of building your business and gives you the tools to take action now. 

  • Why do I need reporting technology?

    If you had a roadmap showing you how to run your best business, you would use it, wouldn't you? Reporting technology provides that type of information. How? In the form of tracking website visits, budget spending, leads from social media, and more. Our software provides you with automated reports whenever you'd like, such as your cash flow, specific analytics, and advertising effectsall in one easy-to-understand visual dashboard.