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What's So Special About Facebook

Floating Facebook logos above a Hand.

Facebook has arguably dominated the digital social media world over the past few years and continues to have the most daily active users of any site. It's the second most used site (only following Google), with people visiting the site for 700 billion minutes per month. Many businesses have turned to Facebook to get their website and company promoted online for free. So why should you make a Facebook page for your business?

The answer is simple: shareability

If you're like me, you use Facebook to connect with family throughout the city, old neighbors across the country, and colleagues around the globe. Whenever I find something funny, clever, or insightful online, I grab the link and "share" it on my Timeline for my Facebook friends to see. Should they choose to click on the link, they also could potentially "share" it for their friends to see.

So here are five reasons I believe your business should take advantage of the shareability of Facebook.

1. Free Advertising

Who doesn't like free? Creating or claiming a business page on Facebook is a simple process. Once you complete the initial set up, your page is already being published and posts are already being branded. Google is able to crawl most parts of Facebook pages, which allows it to become a valuable backlink for your website.

2. Paid Advertising

Facebook provides an option for paid advertising. However, instead of sending your ads to clients that are out of your service range or field, you can set a chosen target audience, such as an age range, location, and time of day. Sharing posts on your page are only promoted on the home page for people who 'like' your page, while ads are shown to anyone that fits your specified details.

3. Authority

Not only does a Facebook page allow you to establish yourself as an expert in your field, it also holds a high authority in Google's eyes. In fact, when searching a company's name, you will most likely come across their Facebook page somewhere in the first page of Google. It's a great way to connect with your audience and followers, while also providing valuable updates for clients and Google.

4. Multiple Admins

There's no need to juggle one account for many users or manage multiple accounts for others to have access to the page. You have the option of running it yourself or allowing others access to the page. This means you can have receptionists or marketing specialists manage the page for you by providing frequent posts while you focus on your clients and your company. It's a great tool that provides more freedom for you in a professional manner.

5. Shareability

Did I mention this before? There are countless variations available for you to get your company name shared. Widgets, buttons, comments, share icons, and likes are just a handful of the different ways someone can provide information about your business to their friends. Your page can have an unlimited number of fans and has no boundaries on who it can reach. Each page even comes with a basic analytics package to see how successful your posts are doing!