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How You Can Use Landing Pages to Land Estate Law Clients

Landing pages will take your clients to the service they need on your website, and they can help convert searchers into clients. Find out how Scorpion can help you create winning landing pages for your estate law firm.
Estate Planning

An estate planning and probate law firm landing page is a stand-alone web page used solely to turn visitors into clients. Minimal in content with messaging that is carefully curated, the focus of a successful landing page is a prominent call to action.

Often, an estate planning and probate law firm will use a landing page in connection to a legal digital marketing campaign. For example, the firm wants to promote its service creating trusts for pets. The landing page will focus on the benefits of a pet trust and why the visitor must act immediately. That call to action will be clear and will likely be a link or form to provide information to have someone contact them soon.

Law Firm Landing Page vs. Website

Below, we’ll discuss in greater detail the components that make a successful landing page. But first, it’s important to note the differences between a landing page and the law firm’s website.

As mentioned, a landing page has a singular, dedicated focus and its goal is to get visitors to take an action that leads to their becoming a client. Conversely, a law firm's website has multiple pages and a variety of information on the practices and attorneys.

For instance, most estate planning and probate law firm websites will feature a list of practices that includes creating wills, trusts, and other documents, like advance health care directives and durable powers of attorney. The firm's website generally includes a list of all its attorneys, from estate planning to litigation. In addition, the law firm website may have an area for blogs, speaking engagements, and other firm news. A law firm's website strategy is to keep visitors there and learning more and more about the firm by offering multiple links to additional pages from any given page. This includes the home page.

All those links on the estate planning and probate law firm website serve a strategic marketing purpose. On a landing page, though, they would just distract from the page’s goal.

It's generally believed that the landing page and the website are meant to target potential clients at different stages in their “buying journey.” A website is usually considered the place potential clients go when doing research and weighing options. Those visitors may not be quite ready to call. But the landing page is thought of as the place to close the deal: The potential client likely knows what they want, as they clicked a link to the page. So now it’s just about getting them to convert into a paying client by using the call to action, or CTA.

Landing pages are often used with pay-per-click ads as part of a digital marketing campaign. While a pay-per-click ad could direct the user to a pet trusts practice page on the firm’s website, the visitor could easily be distracted by all the other information there and click away before taking the action. Again, the idea is to keep the visitor on target and focused on the CTA.

Four Elements of Every Successful Estate and Probate Law Firm Landing Page

  • CTA

Whether it’s providing information for a call back, a free consultation, or to be added to an email or subscriber list, make the CTA the focal point of the landing page. The button, form, or hypertext link CTA should reinforce the benefit of the action. “I’m ready to secure my pet’s future” or “Call me to talk about my pet’s care” are descriptive CTAs that enforce the pet trust service landing page’s goal.

  • Brand introduction

 While a landing page is not the place to talk about the entirety of the estate and probate law firm’s service and experience, it should include some introduction to the firm. Text should be kept to headlines and taglines; avoid lengthy paragraphs. Think about the service’s value proposition and incorporate what makes it different than the competitors and imperative to clients. For a pet trust service, this could highlight the attorneys’ love for animals and passion for helping people feel comfortable with these difficult decisions.

The landing page should be consistent with the firm’s branding, such as colors and tone of the communications. It must include the firm’s logo — even if it’s a special logo created for this campaign.

  • Highlight the service

The landing page must succinctly describe the service that is being offered and make it clear how the service will benefit the visitor. Storytelling, emotional connections, and creating tension are techniques to illustrate the service. For an estate and probate law firm’s pet trust service, this would include reminding visitors that their pets are part of the family and the importance of guaranteeing the animal’s care and feeding should they be unable to do so. With compassion, explain how a simple document could take their worries away — and create less stress later for Fido or Fluffy and whoever you chose to care for them.

  • Trust indicators

Testimonials, statistics, ratings, awards… this is all information to include on a landing page to show visitors the firm and its attorneys are trustworthy. This could be the number of pets’ trusts the firm’s attorneys have collectively drafted or quotes from clients that speak to the service’s value or the client service they received.

Remember that a landing page does not have to be static. Keep an eye on the analytics and continually measure, test, and refine the content. Of course, like a law firm website, the landing page should adhere to all privacy and data protection regulations and best practices, especially the California Consumer Protection Act and other similar laws being passed by various states. It should also adhere to all website design best practices.

At Scorpion, in addition to our software and marketing services, we have full-service design and SEO teams that help create content that lands you the clients you need. Learn more about how Scorpion can help your estate law firm today.